About Us
The website ProTibet is a website solely established to promote the freedom of the Tibetan people. The website encourages the awareness of the present situation of the region. The area has been lodged in problems ever since the 1950s. The Chinese government has claimed the area and the Tibetans are being treated horribly. The on-going issues among the Tibetans and the Chinese government plus the latest news from Tibet are published here. Our website also provides answers to the questions about the condition of Tibet and their freedom. The site even provides details about the world organizations which support and fight for Tibet’s independence.
Legit News
We do not bring fake news to you. ProTibet values originality and believes that this situation can be helped if people know exactly what is happening in the area. The area’s latest news, latest condition, and the on-going conflicts are given as they are.
What Do We Expect From You?
We provide the correct details and news so that you can share the information with your friends and families, who in turn can share this with other people. By doing this, you can help the Tibetans and their cause.
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